Late Victorian Mourning Locket

Late Victorian Mourning Locket

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Story: Queen Victoria, in her decades of reign, influenced politics, fashion and social convention of England and much of the world.  Utterly devoted to her husband of more than two decades, Victoria was distraught after his death in 1861.  Victoria and Albert’s was a marriage based truly on deep respect and romantic love and her grief was reflected in the use of black or “jet” materials and elegant design between the 1860’s and 1880’s. This stunning “mourning” locket shows the best of the period.

Worn: Stylishly and formally, this piece reads sincerity and power. Its wearer likely carried an image of a loved one inside, and kept close to her heart.

Jeweled: As original. This stunning black onyx locket is graced with brilliant marcasites inlaid in sterling silver and presented on its original sterling chain.